Yunze (Lorenzo) Xiao

Carnegie Mellon University In Qatar.

Yunze Xiao.jpg


Education City, Al Luqta St, Ar Rayyan


I am a Junior Computer Science major at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, where I have been advised by Prof. Houda Bouamor. I also had the amazing opportunities to work with Dr. Firoj Alam at QCRI and Prof. Roy Ka-Wei Lee at SUTD.

For now my research interests mainly revolve around Intersections between Computational Social Science, Human Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing, specifically:

  1. How can we understand and represents emotions under the context of LLMs?
  2. How to constantly improve LLMs in understanding various cultures
  3. How does LLMs interacts socially and can this interaction become a trustworthy tool to simulate human society?

In the end, we are looking for applying these research for authentic AI companion as a potential solution to the global lonliness and disconnection

Currently hosting a non-profit organization Cranberry Lemon Research. Currently looking for more collaborators and members.

Feel Free to reach out to me on email or x


Jun 19, 2024 Our work on Cloaked Offensive Language is on arxiv now!
Aug 14, 2023 Updated the teaching page, it now includes undergraduate mentees and course assitant position

selected publications