
General Information

Full Name Yunze Xiao
Languages English, Chinese, Japanese(In Progress)


  • 2022-2026
    BS in Computer Scinece with a minor in Computational Ethics
    Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar


  • 2023
    Currculum Support Developer
    Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar
  • 2023-2024
    Head of Academics
    Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar
  • 2023-2024
    Research Assistant
    Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar
  • 2023
    Research Intern
    Qatar Computing Research Institute
  • 2024
    Research Assistant
    Singapore University of Technology and Design

Honors and Awards

  • 2023
    • Dean's List Fall 2022

Academic Interests

  • Natural Language Processing
    • Offensive Language Detection
    • Machine Personality
    • Social Simulation
    • AI+education

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Gamming,Anime