
publications by categories in reversed chronological order.



    1. Chinese Offensive Language Detection:Current Status and Future Directions
      Yunze Xiao, Houda Bouamor, and Wajdi Zaghouani
    2. ToxiCloakCN: Evaluating Robustness of Offensive Language Detection in Chinese with Cloaking Perturbations
      Yunze Xiao, Yujia Hu, Kenny Tsu Wei Choo, and 1 more author
    3. Verbing Weirds Language (Models): Evaluation of English Zero-Derivation in Five LLMs
      David R. Mortensen, Valentina Izrailevitch, Yunze Xiao, and 2 more authors
    4. InCharacter: Evaluating Personality Fidelity in Role-Playing Agents through Psychological Interviews
      Xintao Wang, Yunze Xiao, Jen-tse Huang, and 10 more authors
      In Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), Aug 2024
    5. Surveying Attitudinal Alignment Between Large Language Models Vs. Humans Towards 17 Sustainable Development Goals
      Qingyang Wu, Ying Xu, Tingsong Xiao, and 8 more authors
      Aug 2024


    1. Nexus at ArAIEval Shared Task: Fine-Tuning Arabic Language Models for Propaganda and Disinformation Detection
      Yunze Xiao, and Firoj Alam
      In Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023, Dec 2023


    1. A Transformer-based Attention Flow Model for Intelligent Question and Answering Chatbot
      Yunze Xiao
      In 2022 14th International Conference on Computer Research and Development (ICCRD), Dec 2022